The"Commoner" helmet
This helmet is the helmet most of us own and/or use. If you wanna look like you ride a bike under $500, then wear one of these. These helmets have a basic visor and have lots of vents to cool you off when pedaling your cheap bike up a hill gets exhausting. Also, the colors come off of the back of a 2001 iMac.
The "100+ miles per day" helmet
If you own a $5K+ road bike and you enjoy espresso and spandex, this is the helmet for you. These carbon helmets will complement all the carbon things in your life, such as your bike, and your burnt toast. You might look like an alien on a bike, but who cares when your life goals are aerodynamics.
The "I ride at ski resorts" helmet
If you like riding 40 pound downhill bikes and would rather pay 60 bucks a day to get picked up by a ski lift then walk up the hill, this helmet is for you. These protect your head when you crash going fast down rocky trails, because after all, you are riding a motorcycle without a motor down a big hill.
The "I ride bike jumps" helmet
These little helmets are for people who ride big dirt jumps and those who throw down big tricks. Even if you cant do any tricks or jumps, you can still look like you do when you are cruising down the street. Many of these helmets come in an array of different colors and designs.
The "I ride BMX" helmet*
If you spend your time in a skatepark or on the streets riding your BMX, this type of headwear will make you look stylish while NOT protecting you at all whatsoever. So many BMX riders don't wear helmets, and you may look cooler... well until this happens
This dude is in for a rough time without a helmet
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